
The Tyrant's Queen

kingdom building

"Seriously? Did you really think wolf boy would save you?" He growls in my face as I smirk glancing at my mate who wasn't too far. I hum as he digs his foot into my chest as if to kill me.

"I definitely think he will save me, I am his Queen. "

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Royal pain
“There is no need for the ball.” I tell the coordinator as I could see my mom all the way behind her with a disappointed look on her face. I don't mind it as I watch the coordinator squirm under my gaze. If my mom didn’t notice I was the exact copy of her and didn’t look like the one she is currently giving me, make me want to cower as it would for anyone else. “But Lady Michiko, this is going to be the best time of your life, the start of your new life with your future, king, husband.” The lady smiles wearily at me as if she was reading from a written paper of some sort. “If your goal was to discourage me even more, thank you so much, I hope my mother heard it.” I tell her smirking when I see her smile drop from her face. “Disappointing the queen and the princess in one day is a job nobody would ever ask for.” “Michiko, stop playing around.” My mother snaps walking up to the woman smiling softly. “I’ll handle it from here, don’t listen to her.” “I mean it’s true, I don’t even want to go through with this.” I tell her pulling at my dress. I was already annoyed that they were making me wear the more extravagant gowns the closer the days were to my ball. “It’s very annoying not getting my way.” “You are to be a queen, being a princess doesn’t mean you act like a brat.” My mom says as I turn away from her. “You need to suck it up, this is the way of the kingdom.” “As if you weren’t young.” I grumble walking away from her making my way back to my room. After living in this big castle all my life, knowing the ins and out of it was basically my job. I sigh knowing nothing was going to change with whatever I tell my mother, or my father. I grunt sitting down on my bed as My lady in waiting Astra walks into my room with a smile. “Don’t be so mopey, the ball will be fun. We get to meet guys.” She exclaims as I frown. “I’m already spoken for by a prick, I can look and that’s it. So f*****g unfair, therefore f**k the ball and everyone else who is coming.” “Sometimes we got to suck it up.” Astra says as I glare at her. “I’m just saying Michiko, you’re a princess everything is handed to you, take advantage.” “Oh, I see now. How about we trade off yeah? You go ahead and do things that you don’t want to do as if I asked to be born in this hateful family.” I tell her. “You can leave, go on and dream about boys, yeah?” “You’re such a bitch.” She growls leaving my room as I flip over on my stomach sighing. Can’t believe she pulled the princess f*****g card, as if we haven’t been friends all our lives. “Lady Michiko, it’s time to change.” I turn to one of the many servants as I watch her stand in my doorway. “Change?” I sit up as she makes her way to my closet giggling as I sigh smiling at her. “Yes? You are having a tea party with the other princesses.” - “And then he said he couldn’t wait to be with me forever.”  Joselyn smiles widely, sipping her tea as I glance at Sinaé and she fakes a gag which earned her a disapproving look from Joselyn. “He said that? He’s lying.” Kimani says as Joselyn glares at her. “Just because yours don’t like you don’t mean shit.” Joselyn says as I snort which earns me a matching glare from Joselyn. “Sorry this is just gold.” I tell her. “You haven’t even met yours.” She points out. “And once I do I’m running away.” I smirk at her. “Not funny.” Sinaé slaps my arm. “I did hear that Prince Miguel is very charming and handsome.” Kimani points out as I blink at her. “So what I am hearing is none of us have ever seen him?” I ask leaning back ready to get out of this constricting dress. “I mean my first time seeing my beloved was two weeks ago.” Joselyn smiles flawlessly, too easily for me, especially about a guy we would potentially have to spend the rest of our lives with, and we have no idea what their real intentions are with us. “There is no way you guys are just okay with this because our parents and grandparents told us so?” Sinaé asks as Joselyn rolls her eyes with a sigh. “I forgot you two are f*****g rebellions.” Joselyn grumbles and I smile at Sinaé. I’m glad she had my back. ^_^ “Why did you go on and scare the coordinator.” My father glares at me as I shrug. “It was fairly easy.” I tell him looking away from his face. Getting on my parents bad side was always a fun pastime for me, was it childish, very. Is it worth it, most definitely. “If she gets scared off that easily what else can I do?” “I need you on your best behavior do you hear me? Once Miguel and you marry that land with the trading post will be ours.” “But neither one of y’all own that land, so that’s stealing.” I smile at him finally seeing the bull s**t that my family hides. “Not if it’s always been mine, missy.” He snaps as I don’t let my smile falter. “It seems like you are trying to start a war. Oh can I guess?” “You’re too old to be childish like this.” Minko (my younger sister by one year, sadly) says to me as I glance at my sister rolling my eyes. “Miguel is going to put you in your place, Michiko and I hope to hell you get your s**t together.” “Oh yeah Minko?” I smile bitterly at her. “It’s not like you will get anyone better with your shitting attitude, you think?” “Both of you.” My mother cuts off Minko as she glares at me from across the table. “Why can’t I call her out on her bullshit, hmm?” Minko growls as I fake gasp. “Not a lady like at the table Minko.” I ask her as my mother agrees and I know it annoys Minko even more. “The both of you are ladies and I need the both of you to act as the queens you are to be, do you understand? I rather not have other kingdoms breaking treaties because of your mouths.” “Is that so?” I smile at him as he glares at me. “Don't worry dad, I won't let my mouth affect what goes on between the kingdoms.”

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