First Day of School

813 Words
Third Person POV Every student dread this day, but not Jaimee. She is quite excited to attend a real school this time. One of the privilege of working in the Ramiro Manor. Unlike other vampire nobles, the Ramiro family remained just and kind to every creature. Wether it be vampire or human. Jaimee is a human girl working as a housemaid in the Ramiro Manor. She was an orphan who never got adopted and now trying to make a living. "Jaimee! You're going to be late!" Jaimee heard the voice of Maila, one of the house helpers. She is like Jaimee's older sister/mother, ever since she started working in the House of Ramiro. Jaimee is an orphan who never got the chance to get adopted. When she turned sixteen, she left the orphanage to look for work. And since she was human in a vampire kingdom, she cannot find a job that doesn't require her loosing her own blood or treated like a slave. One day when she was out in the city to look for a job, she stumbled upon the young vampire duchess, Lana Ramiro. Unlike other vampires she came across in her life, Lana is quite different. She is like a ball of sunshine, she is kind and warm. The young duchess was impressed with how Jaimee handle her argument with a rude vampire store owner. At the end of the day, Lana approached Jaimee and offered her a job inside their manor, as a house help. Jaimee accepted and she went home with Lana the very same day. Working for the Ramiro family made Jaimee happy. She gained a family with the helpers, and she also realized that the Ramiro family is the kindest vampire family in the kingdom. Almost all of their staff are humans whom they treated with kindness and respect. The head of the household, the Duke Lukas and Duchess Liliana Ramiro are both kind and happy couple. They are the perfect employer for Jaimee, and Lana has treated her like her best friend. Then there's Lana's older brother, the young duke Lucca Ramiro, who she finds mysterious because of his quiet demeanor. He rarely interact with people, but when he does he do it with utter respect. A perfect gentleman like his father. With one last look on her reflection on the mirror, Jaimee grabbed her bag and went out of her room. she went towards the kitchen where other helpers are eating breakfast. "Good morning everyone!" Jaimee chirped. "Someone is excited." Bart, the head gardener said. "I can't help it. I love to study." She said. "What a peculiar thing to like." Gertrude, one of the maids said. Jaimee giggled. "Eat your breakfast young lady, so you can go." Zeny, the vampire cook of the household said. Jaimee smiled at her and took a sit, then Zeny gave her, her plate filled with toasts and bacon and some scrambled eggs. "Thanks Zeny." Jaimee told Zeny before started eating. And when she was almost done with her food, Maila came to the kitchen. "Lady Lana has called for you Jaimee. She wants you to ride with her to school." Maila announced. Jaimee stood up and grabbed her bag. Zeny then approached her with a brown paper bag. "Your lunch." Zeny said. "Thanks again Zeny. Got to go!" Jaimee said and waived everyone goodbye before running out of the kitchen. ************* When Jaimee reached outside the front door of the manor, she saw the young duchess next to the car, she's on her phone taking selfies. "Sorry." She said. Lana looked up from her phone and grinned when she saw Jaimee. but her grin faltered when she looked at her friend's clothes. "You're wearing that?" Lana asked Jaimee who looked down at her clothes. Jaimee was wearing faded jeans, white t shirt and some worn out sneakers. When she doesn't see anything wrong with what she is wearing, she looked back to her friend. "What's wrong with my clothes?" She asked. "Nothing, it's just it's first day of school! Senior year! You should've worn something more extravagant." Lana said. Jaimee rolled her eyes. "Lady Lana, I don't need to dress up for school. And besides, I don't have anything extravagant to wear. Human house help remember?" Jaimee said. Lana frowned. "You are not just a house help Jaimee. You are my best friend." Lana whined. This made Jaimee smile. She just love how Lana care for her. "Don't worry with my clothes. We're going to be late." She said. "Oh yeah. Let's go." Lana said. Jaimee opened the door of the passenger seat. Before Lana get inside she turned to her friend. "You need a better explanation to Matt regarding your choice of clothes." Lana said then she got inside the car. Jaimee rolled her eyes before closing the car door. Then she opened the passenger door beside the driver and got in. The moment she closed the door, she buckled up and the driver drove off.
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