In the beginning

536 Words
The air was hot and the wind blew hard as they crossed the last of the desert plains. Livia had all but her eyes covered as they journeyed. They had slaughtered thousands in the last six months, all in search of the man who she thought would bring her peace. The one who she felt could tame her wild ways and finally bring her the love she so badly wanted. She looked to her general. "How much further?" The general was a tall and heavily built man. He coughed and looked at her. "Shouldn't be too much further now. We have been told it is just over that ridge." he pointed into the distance. Livia nodded and pushed forward. But something felt off. The men were not as eager as they once were. They held back just enough that she noticed they weren't tightly in formation. Livia brushed off her worry. She was too tired from the days walk to worry about them walking slower than usual. But as she made the ridge she could see that the worry wasn't in vain. All around her the men started to gather, there was a cage waiting on the ridge's edge. Horses connected to it. "What is the meaning of this?!" She yelled as she turned to face the now circling army that was hers. The general stepped out from the men now tightly flanking her. "We cannot allow you to kill more people and continue your hateful ways. We have always followed you loyally into battle but this is not what we signed up for. There is no honor in what we do here." "Honor?" Livia snapped. "no, honor?" She turned and removed her face covering, showing her features. She was a beautiful woman, although her sunburnt skin didn't allow it to be seen as well as it could have been. Her eyes were filled with rage. Her red hair flowing in the heavy wind and sand being thrown up. "I have raised many of you. I have turned you into warriors. And this is how you will repay me? There is no honor in that!" "You starve your followers and you force us to march so that you can find a mate. That is not a reason to slaughter so many." One of the men yelled from the crowd. Many began to grumble. "So what do you intend to do? Kill me? Stuff me in that cage? To what end?" The general walked up to her. "That is exactly what we intend to do. And that will be the end." He motioned his hand and men came forward to grab Livia. She kicked and screamed and fought as hard as she could, but there were too many of them. They took her and threw her into the cage and locked the door. When she got her barrings she stood and held to the bars. "This won't be the end. I won't allow it. I always get my way. You know this General!" She screamed. The cart took off, horses galloping and winds throwing sand about. Livia screamed and hit at the bars as she was taken away to what seemed to be her final destination and her death.
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