Story By Kay C.

Kay C.

***Hi guys. If you haven't seen I have started the third book in my hearts series. "Fated Hearts" I highly suggest you read Dragon's Heart first then Burning Hearts after. There are so many pre-established characters and world building. I have been working on editing many of my books though I have not uploaded the freshly edited copies of any of my completed books as of yet. I have been under the weather with a terrible cold since the day before Christmas Eve. (Something is going around and hubby gave it to me. I barely have a voice due to it. While I can function for the most part I do have bouts of no energy, etc. I just want it gone, but it's taking it's time and no it is definitely not Covid just a bad cold due to having a seasonal allergy aggravating and making my cold last longer.) I'm slow to get work done on Fated Hearts so please continue to bear with me. Once my cold is gone I'll be in better shape to get the content out at a more steady pace. Thank you for reading!*** Hi Amazing Readers. My name is Kay.I can't tell you how humble and grateful I am that you read my stories. I have so many stories that I want to share with all of you. You can find a couple more stories at the moment on Wattpad. I write under KayeChase there. I completed one book and I am working on another though my time has been consumed on here for a while and I haven't completed the second story there. I will. It is just an option if you are looking for something more to read too. Please follow and tell your friends to read my stories if you enjoy them. I know I'm not perfect especially with my earlier stories. I really want to revisit them and fix many errors I am certain you find. Trust me I try to catch them, but it is damn near impossible and if I can edit them it takes time for those edits to be approved. So, bear with me as I continue to bring many more stories into your lives that hopefully will touch you and make you fall in love in any way that may be. Thank you so very much for reading my stories. Kay C.
Fated Hearts
Updated at May 27, 2024, 02:51
~~Book 3 of Hearts series [Dragon's Heart, Burning Hearts] {Not standalone!}~~ The nephilim/light celestial brothers Rami, Adari, and Zabi are adjusting to life on Earth. They are hiding a secret that can ruin the help they so desperately need of the phoenix dragon/light celestial triplet sisters Cyllenna, Camaria, and Calesta.The sisters can't believe the secret that was hidden from them. Will the sisters, the brothers, and the sister's extraordinary family be able to defeat the evil that has been wreaking havoc to too many worlds, or will the brothers lose everything. Or will fate intervene and good prevail over utter evil?
Fighting For Hope
Updated at Oct 4, 2023, 22:34
I'm Lucas Adams. My love life has forever been damaged by one dark brown haired beauty with crystal blue eyes named Hope Green. I got a taste of her in high school for a brief period of time and now every relationship I have is tainted by Hope's memory. She is the scratch I just can't itch properly. Now that she is returning to my life I intend to keep her this time. But will fate take my chance with Hope away yet again? Hope has changed. She is not the girl I fell in love with. She actually seems to hate me now. I don't care what I need to do I will always keep fighting for Hope. I'm Hope Green. My family is very rich and very successful. I used to be the apple of not only my dad's eye, but my Uncles Jeremy and Jayson. I saved my dad and mom's relationship even before I was born. My family has always loved and cared for me. Supported me in any way possible. I discovered early enough I have a talent in art. It is a blessing and a curse. My art brought the one guy I could have spent a lifetime with to me. But fate intervened and I went from the fun loving girl and apple of my family's eye to the embarrassment and trash I have been for years now. I can't talk to my family. My cousin Harper is the only one I let in more than the rest. I don't like hurting my family, but the shame I will bring upon my family if they found out will leave a scar that won't be able to be healed. It all started with that one guy. With Lucas. Now he's back in my life and my secrets are becoming harder to hide. I don't know what to do anymore...
Your Body Close To Mine
Updated at Sep 26, 2023, 02:41
**This is a continuation of the billionaire ish stories I have on here. Her Broken Billionaire, Surrender of the Ceo, and Desired By Her Boss. It is time for the kids stories.** Harper is trying to balance his life. He works for his dad and uncle's company. He shares a home with his cousin Hope. Somethings happened to Hope their senior year of high school and she only really communicates with Harper. He got her to return home by buying a house with her. Now all of a sudden Hope invites one of their friends from childhood to live with them. There is a slight controversy as Ryann's dad has embezzled from a lot of companies including his dad's and uncle's. Harper has to deal with his attraction still to Ryann while taking care of Hope and trying to fend off those who seek retribution against Ryann's father for being swindled. Harper always takes care of everyone else. Is he willing to risk it all for love?
Elemental Queen: Reign
Updated at Sep 1, 2023, 06:19
**(Book 3 in my Elemental series)** We rejoin Zariah and her sisters during a time of peace on Zare. They have been settling into ruling their kingdoms as Zariah juggles ruling Zare with Caedan as well as motherhood. Zariah has now been on Zare for over a year. Though Zare is having a time of peace finally it won't last long. Earth begins to have major disruptions in weather. Along with disruptions on land, and in the oceans. Many humans of Earth believe it is due to climate change. While climate change has not helped the situation it is not the real issue at hand. Everything that is happening to Earth is sending ripple effects into Zare's dimensional space and realm. Zare cannot exist without Earth. Zariah, and her family have to do something about it she can't let Zare end because Earth may be coming to an end itself. What Zariah and her sisters find is that Earth is in for a wake up call. Can the people of Earth accept the fact that all their myths. legends. stories, and lore are based in fact? Can they accept that magic exists, that magical beings and creatures do exist and all of their ancestors were once a part of magic? Will they accept that Earth has a queen and in order to save Earth and Zare Zariah has to take Earth's throne? The fate of two worlds are at stake. Will they end? Will Zariah and her family be able to save two worlds from doom? Will they be able to unite two worlds to move into the future?
Elemental Queen: Fate of the Fire Queen
Updated at Apr 30, 2023, 08:35
(Book 2) Zariah and her sisters are trying to settle into ruling their kingdoms and Zare. Malos escapes the dungeons tho they are heavily guarded. Kindra is still struggling. Her magic is still weak. She is searching for a something to help her. It sends Kayne and her on a dangerous quest that could take their lives. Zariah and Caedan are trying to find his father.
Desired By My Boss
Updated at Mar 20, 2023, 04:34
Jayson is establishing his law offices inside The Green Company building. His brother in law Jordan Green owns the building and majority co-owner of The Green Company along with his older brother Jeremy. Jayson has been through hell with the brothers. From his younger sister being run down and Jordan and him almost losing her. To concern and worry over Jeremy's new wife Kya who got shot to save Jeremy's life. Jayson just wants to find someone of his own. He already has in Kya's younger sister Wendy. He's highly attracted to her, but she is dating the younger brother of his long time best friend Scott. Jayson is tortured because Wendy has so much in common with him. She studied contract law too and he hired her. He can see her every time he looks out his office. Wendy asks Jayson out with their small group while Taylor is on deployment. He knew the night would end badly one way or another, but nowhere near where it does. Tragedy strikes and Wendy and Scott are sent into a spiral of grief. Can Jayson mend Wendy's grieving heart or will fate strike her down? Jayson doesn't know if he can heal her, but he wants to try to heal her with his love.
Burning Hearts
Updated at Mar 17, 2023, 03:33
Casen struggles to survive as the bastard dragon prince of his father who is king of all Europe. His older brother can't stand him. The only solace he finds is when he is dancing in the clubs, or training with his only friend another dragon Prince Orien who's grandfather is king in China. Casen grew up in America he misses it and especially his mother. He can't bring her to England as if she were to discover he was a dragon she would be put to death. He much preferred the fact that the practice of killing humans for knowing of the magical and supernatural world are no longer put to death. Casen is mesmerized by a beauty with hair black as his. She dances like no other human female he has laid eyes on. He can't resist joining her on the dance floor. He dances with her and she can dance in sync with him. She actually dances a little better than he does. He is drawn to her. Her scent reminds him of cinnamon and apple. It is one of his favorite scents. He wants her for his own, but she is human and he is a dragon prince. Tana loves to dance. She went to school to study dance and music. She has to work at the Carrington family estate to make money and support herself. Her mother died in a fire when she was eleven and she's never known her father. Tana falls quickly in lust of Casen Carrington. She can't get enough of admiring him and wishing he would notice her. She took up being responsible for cleaning his room because most of the household staff doesn't seem to care for his brash attitude and the fact that he is a bastard and American born. She likes that she gets to be in his personal space even if to clean it. She sees Casen dancing in the club she went to. He is an amazing dancer. She decides she will go to the club as often as she can until she can get his attention. Which she does. Tana doesn't know that her fate is sealed the moment she set her sights on Casen. Her life is in danger when she sees something she shouldn't have. Dragons are real?
Surrender of the CEO
Updated at Sep 22, 2022, 07:12
Jeremy Green is dealing with his younger brother Jordan and sister-in-law Alaina being on leave from their company after Alaina just gave birth to his little niece Hope. The solar panels Jordan developed to go along with his altered battery have been selling fast. Jeremy is on the way to becoming the CEO of a billion dollar company and his status upgrading to a billionaire because of Jordan's decision. Jordan didn't need billions of more dollars lining his pocket. Now more projects can be properly researched, tested, and developed. Jeremy is struggling with his playboy lifestyle not that he's had much time for that over the past year. Alaina's accident royally affected everyone who cares about her. With the addition of Hope Jeremy is rethinking and wanting to find someone to settle down with. He wants a family himself. He has to find a woman willing to take him on and deal with how demanding his work is right now with Jordan and Alaina away. He is having fun competing with Jayson Alaina's brother and Hope's other uncle on who is the best uncle ever. It really doesn't matter because she's too little. However, hanging out with Jayson over this year and getting to know him better has made them closer. Alaina's recovery drained all of them. Kya grew up with Jeremy, Jordan, and Alaina sort of. She went to the same school as them except she was a year behind Jeremy and Jordan and Alaina was a year behind her. It didn't matter the moment Kya saw Jeremy when she was a freshman she instantly crushed on him. She watched him for years from the shadows in school. Years later Kya meets up with Jeremy at a club during a visit home for him. He drinks to much and she drives him home. Her fantasy of being with Jeremy becomes a reality. Its the better than her fantasy. Little did Kya know that Jeremy left more of an impact on her than she thought. Kya doesn't want Jeremy to take their son away from her. She didn't know how well off he and his family are now. Harper is her world. She can't hide him away for long and Jeremy insists she move in with him. He wants his son around. He wants to prove to Kya how good of a father he can be. Jeremy's playboy past threatens the relationship he is trying to build with Kya and Harper. Can he prove to her he's worth the risk? Is he willing to surrender to everything he could have with Kya and get the family he so desperately wants?
Her Broken Billionaire
Updated at Aug 16, 2022, 02:45
"You need to let me go. I don\'t want to hate you." Those words always run through Jordan Green\'s mind. Jordan was the epitome of the school nerd. Scrawny, lanky, no muscles. Not exactly the guy to attract the most popular girls in school. He was pushed around and teased in school, until the day she made it more bearable. Alaina stepped in between him and his tormentors in fourth grade, and got knocked down for him. They became best friends after that. They were inseparable when Alaina lived the six months with her mother. Alaina took the torment and torture because she was always chubby. She faced her own demons, but was always there for Jordan. Until high school changed everything at the end of junior year until graduation. Jordan went with the few friends Alaina and he shared to junior prom and he changed their relationship afterwards. Jordan had fallen deeply in love with Alaina, but didn\'t have the courage to tell her. He used after the prom to take their relationship to the next level. He asked Alaina if she wanted to lose their virginity to each other, so they wouldn\'t be left behind on what other classmates were doing. He wasn\'t fully honest with her that night she agreed to his proposal. He was selfish when he proposed losing their virginity to each other. He thought he would get her and she would be his forever. Everything changed senior year. Jordan barely saw his best friend or spoke to her right up until graduation. He pleaded with her after graduation, but she wanted to be free of him. Alaina didn\'t want to hate him. He let her go moving forward in life heartbroken. Jordan steeled his heart and did what he did best at being a nerd. He developed a special battery that he was able to sell for millions initially, until soon those millions turned into billions. He went to the gym and started to take care of himself and gain muscle because he had to fight off those seeking his fortune. Now hot and running a business with his older brother Jeremy to develop things that are friendly to the environment called The Green Company Jordan is living his best life. However, he can\'t get Alaina out of his system. No woman compares to her even a decade later. From a weird happenstance Alaina ends up working for Jordan\'s company. Jordan won\'t let something like her having a new boyfriend get in his way. He wants her. He needs her. Is he strong enough to let her go a second time and hope that true love will prevail.
Dragon's Heart
Updated at Mar 31, 2022, 15:01
Adrian grew in a loving family, but he had to grow up without his real father. His dad's best-friend married his mom and adopted him when Adrian was ready. When Adrian turns 18 he finds his world turned upside down. He is doubled over in pain in the middle of a patch of forest. He's never experienced such pain.Then she appeared and touched him. All the pain melted away. Something was drawing him to her. He only caught a glimpse of her green eyes as she stared at his feet. She broke free of his grasp and ran away from him. He couldn't find her for 10 years. Later that night Adrian changed into a dragon of which he had no idea he was. His world changed forever then. He had to find other dragons he had to learn about a world he never knew existed before. He came across his best-friend Collin Bell shortly after his first change. He was running scared too not knowing he was a dragon as well. They fought, but they realized they were just scared. Jax Greystone took them in and taught them how to be a dragon. When Adrian offers land he inherited to help prevent deaths from a rival dragon clan attacking Jax's Red Rock Clan Jax changes plans at the last minute. Adrian can't abide Jax's need to stay and leaves for his land. Robyn has been on the run from her foster father since she was 17 after he tried to attack her. She wandered into a small town and was taken in by Big John and Julie. It was the first time she had a family. Everything was going fine until Adrian Chase and his friends wandered into Big John's bar and restaurant where she worked as the head cook. Robyn was terrified of him telling his mother who she was. It would mean her foster father could find her. She struggles with the fact that she was attracted to him the moment she saw him in school when she was 15. The feelings he evoked in her when he found her in the forest never went away. She ran from him to hide away. Adrian didn't know that when he inherited his adopted father's businesses that the land he inherited with it had a small town called Black Moon. He builds his clan of Black Moon. He is intrigued by the cook Robyn. She runs away and that is when he realizes who she means to him. She saved him from his pain all those years ago. He had an attraction to her and she fought it. When he finds Robyn shivering in his bedroom closet things change. Robyn isn't in his bed the next morning. He learns why she's running and vows to protect her by taking her to his clan revealing his world to her. Soon Adrian is in the running for the dragon throne in North America. All alphas had to participate in the challenges set forth by the dragon council. Robyn is kidnapped and beaten almost to death. She suddenly appears outside of his clan's gate. They stop denying their attraction. But they never find peace for long. Adrian is tasked by the fae king Oberon to find his missing daughter. She was spelled by a fairy witch as a child to hide her true self. What Adrian doesn't know is he already found her. He wasn't the only one looking for her though. The dark fae king and prince are searching for her too. If they gain her they gain entrance to the fairy realm of Faylinn. If they gained the throne through her all fae kingdoms are at risk. Follow their story of a love so true it transcends space and time. They were always fated to find each other.
The Elemental Princess
Updated at Sep 2, 2021, 06:27
Zariah doesn't know that her world is about to be turned on its head forever. She doesn't know that she is destined to rule a world she had no clue about. She's also unprepared to realize that her birthmark on her wrist holds her magical fate. When she is landed in a strange world with a gorgeous man she just met she soon finds out that she is the last remaining hope to free the people of this magical world. Caedan is a part vampire prince of Zare with magical abilities. He is tasked with going to Earth on a mission to find a missing and unknown princess. He must bring her to Zare to help overthrow his father King Malos, finally freeing Zare from his tyranny.