Story By rayliyuxi


I\'m a very simple girl with very boring life. ???? BUT THERE IS SOMEONE WHO HELP ME (^-^) """" BANGTAN BOYS """ I know everyone knows about them. my bias in BTS is jimin and his bias is jungkook and so I ship jikook.(@^O^@) Kim namjoon Kim seokjin min yoongi Jung hoseok park jimin Kim tae Hyung Jeon jungkook BTS (•_<)
Updated at Mar 2, 2020, 07:15
"I hate you!!" Jimin said while beating his chest with his hand. Jungkook just smirked at his little attempt. He lowered himself until he could feel the fear from his breath and said, "Love you can hate or beat me all you want, It doesn't affect me either way. But one thing you get in your little brain that there's no escape from me. You're mine . No one can touch what's mine."