Story By __Curly__


I have no idea what I\'m doing in life, but it\'s acceptable because I\'m 20.
BLUE: AHarryStylesFanfic
Updated at Feb 27, 2020, 10:11
22-year-old college dropout Harry Styles always wants what he can't have. He is always trying to catch the next rush, high, or buzz. He doesn't care about himself or anyone else. The only thing he cares about is his next fix or following through on a crazy illegal plan. He doesn't care for his purpose in life and he doesn't understand why he exists considering the fact he feels he's useless, a burden, and a mistake. He has never tried to live for anything until he met the girl with a strange name, and her name is Blue Reign.
Seven Deadly Sins
Updated at Jan 21, 2020, 10:00
"Is he worth it?" "Yes." ✖️✖️✖️✖️ This love story shows you how fast love can come in and take over two opposites. Love comes in the blink of an eye and impairs your judgment the way alcohol and drugs do. Love can warp your reality. Love can make you blind to flaws and toxic personalities. Love can destroy or build relationships. Love can make decisions for you. Love can make you irrational. Love can make you do things you never thought you would do. Love can bring you up, and it can tear you down. Love can make you selfless by putting others above you. Love can make you selfish by putting only one person above you. Love can fill you, and it can drain you. Some fail to see it, few take advantage of it, most run away from it. Tyler Caldwell is 17 years old, who knew better, to stay away from sin. To her, sin meant you were going to hell. She lived a strict Christian life and goes to a Christian private school. The rules of the school are simple: Go to church on Sundays and Wednesdays Participate in sharing faith. Always forgive no matter what. Pray every morning and night. No fights, No drugs, No alcohol, No staying out past curfew (to everyone who is11th grade and down) No going into the opposite genders' rooms dorms, No PDA, No parties, No sex. Harry Styles is a new student who is also 17 years old. He's irrational, reckless, mean, aggressive, violent, ruthless, spiteful, and everything mothers and fathers fear you bring home. His upbringing wasn't the dream, with two parents who loved dope more than their kids. He never followed rules and laws. He was sent to the school to better his life.
Updated at Jan 26, 2019, 22:00
Emma Richardson is a 17 year old girl who likes to party and get into trouble. Problem being, she doesn't care about school enough to go so she is homeschooled with a private tutor. His name is Professor Styles. Finding him down right annoying and obnoxious at first, Emma soon finds her self wanting more than an anatomy lesson on paper.